Having started with humble roots and still finding myself humbled by better atheletes, I can empathize with the beginner cyclist. I can also identify with the elite class of riders, bike snobs, weight weenies and the likes. Having trained alongside top athletes, I am fully aware of the intimidation and anxiety felt when faced with the prospect of humiliation. Hence, I am not writing this training guide / blog from the perspective that you are looking to train alongside elite cyclists. I have watched many training DVD’s where the cast of cyclists are in the elite category, and to be honest, I have a difficult time training to these.

Cycling is an incredibly diverse and dynamic sport. It’s not just about pedaling. Through cycling, you can achieve so many benefits, it’s impossible to address them all. Health benefits include cardio vascular strengthening, muscle strengthening, and core strengthening, but, are not limited to these. Cycling provides an intense emotional satisfaction as well. A feeling of well being accompanies almost every ride. Endorphin production from the workout along with the rush of adrenaline from fast descents or a smooth draft behind a semi, provide a natural high that empowers you to further improve your life and your health. The camaraderie from other cyclists can provide a social outlet and a close personal bonding experience that builds long term relationships and reinforces the value of your identity. Further, the rapid weight loss that is observable through cycling provides an almost immediate gratification that substantiates the hard work and effort that you put into it

kenny_price1Almost a year ago at 53 my heart dr. said lose weight or die. Blood pressure was sky hi and i weighed 320 pounds. i got back on my bike. It was almost winter here in Amarillo so indoors I went. I found your web site bought one of your videos and then another. I have put over 3000 miles on my bike and so far have lost 95 pounds. Have gone from a 50 inch waist to a 36. Heart dr. is lowering the blood pressure meds and he says I might live a little longer. So I wanted to say thank you for all of your efforts to provide such a great product! I’m attaching a before and after pic just so that you will believe me.

kenny2Now the after pic. Next on my bucket list is to train and ride my first century in NM. “The Enchanted Circle Century. Thanks again Paul for your great videos like the one I just finshied tonight “Tour of the High Desert”

– Kenny Price 2010

These blogs will target a range of training disciplines that are provided in the collection of videos I produce. I’d like to encourage you, in your initial approach, to find a way to make training fun and tolerable and not go all out and overboard all at once. Like a starvation diet, you can rapidly burn out if your training tactic is too difficult or too overwhelming, or worst of all, cuts into your daily routine requiring you to make too many time sacrifices. This blog takes into account and assumes that you have a life and you are not looking to make a complete life change to accommodate cycling. For the purpose of this blog, I am assuming that you will begin your training regimen on an indoor stationary bike or on your bike trainer.

This blog will divide cycling workouts into their component disciplines. These will be presented in a chronographic order establishing your first workout component first and your last workout component last. The goal to complete all is set at 6 months. The components include: