I decided to write this because CBD has changed my life.

I’ve been a chronic sufferer of psoriasis. Over the years, it’s only been a matter of a few scales here and there, but, recently, I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. It began slowly appearing in my middle finger and pain in the top knuckle. My finger got bigger, swollen, but, it didn’t hurt bad so I let it go. A little later, my nails started to grow out funny. They would grow out thick in spots, and in other places, there would be little holes. It got really ugly and looked like a nail fungus. The nails were discolored and warped. At the same time, my palms got sore and my hands weakened. I had to get my wife to open jars, it hurt to lean on the handlebars, and my grip strength made it difficult to apply the brakes.  So, my symptoms:

Perfect example of nail growth with psoriatic arthritis

When the pain got too bad, I finally sought medical help and was prescribed Enbrel. My doctor explained that psoriatic arthritis not only causes pain and makes nails grow funny, it will actually lead to joint damage if left untreated. Fortunately, I didn’t wait too long and my joints look good. Enbrel is taken as an injection once per week in the belly. It worked like a charm. After a month or two, my nails looked better and my pain was gone. Now, mind you, it did nothing for my other minor aches and pains from getting old and the knee surgery I had years before. What I didn’t like is that Enbrel suppresses your immune system and, for a time, I had an painful lower back (in the kidney area) and, I just don’t like giving myself a painful shot every week.

My friend, Lee Cherry, suggested that I try CBD oil, but I was very skeptical. This is the science geek in me, if it’s not time tested, it’s probably myth.

But, I heard a lot about the benefits of CBD and one day, my insurance ran out on the Enbrel and I was forced to look elsewhere for a temporary solution.

Enter CBD

MY CBD of choice

Lee gave me a sample bottle to try. I wasn’t expecting much. I really wasn’t expecting anything at all. I used a dropper full (50mg) and let the oil sit under my tongue before swallowing it. There was a slight dry burn as it went down my throat. I gave a little cough. It didn’t taste like marijuana edibles, no THC flavor. I watched a little tv and before I knew anything had happened, I fell sound asleep.

So, first things first, CBD oil (full spectrum tincture) is a wonderful anti anxiety remedy, and I mean wonderful! Normally I’m awake at night wondering what to do with my newest video or how I should market it or what changes I need to make with my website, oh! And then there’s the Amazon invoices I need to prepare, and on and on and on. Tonight, my brain was quiet.

I woke up refreshed, I slept like a log! When I went upstairs, there was a slight spring in my step. Hmmmm! My knees feel pretty good. After a couple of days, the results were the same, good sleep, knee pain absent. But, I noticed something else. I was really horny! Is that from the good sleep? My wife kept asking me, “what’s up with you?”

It’s been about 3 months since I added CBD full spectrum tincture to my diet and nightly pre-sleep routine. I am happy to say that my psoriatic arthritis is completely controlled, no pain, no weird nail growth and my hand strength has returned to normal. I can lift weights, keep my hands comfortably on the bars, and open the tightest lids. Other positive effects include:

If you’re like me, I highly recommend a full spectrum CBD tincture. It has worked wonders and I’m so happy that I could discontinue the Enbrel. I sleep great, my aches and pains are gone and my energy levels are through the roof!

One word of caution. There are many CBD oil products available through Amazon or online or in shopping malls and they can be found pretty inexpensively. You need to be careful. even the ones with good reviews. CBD is a huge money maker with very few regulations on the manufacturers and absolutely no way to validate the quality (except through consumer reviews). Read the Amazon reviews very carefully. Many companies are farming reviews, that is, they are paying companies to provide hundreds of flattering reviews. If the product is cheap with lots of 5 star reviews, it’s probably fake. CBD oil is not cheap to manufacture. The cheap CBD may be mixed with household cooking oil. In many cases, there’s no Cannabis whatsoever, it’s just vegetable oil in a bottle. The biggest challenges in producing quality CBD oil is in growing and harvesting the cannabis and hemp plants, purifying the content, removing the impurities, extracting the spectrum and providing it through legal channels. An impure or poorly derived (cheap oil)  is relatively ineffective as a therapeutic treatment and will, unfortunately, provide poor results and make CBD’s seem less effective than they are.  A CBD full spectrum tincture is lab tested against impurities, is legally grown, licensed and maintained through legal channels and is well reviewed through credible organizations and users.

What is a full spectrum CBD tincture? Full spectrum means that an oil or product contains all the cannabinoids that are naturally occurring in the cannabis plant. Quality full spectrum CBD products are typically high in CBD, with only trace amounts of minor cannabinoids, and very low in THC (less than 0.3%)

Interested? More info here

2 Responses

  1. Paul, been awhile since we talked
    I am now 79
    Working out a bit on the bike and treadmill
    Have TRX set up and am using it. Put on muscle
    You were at times comparing me with your dad who is also diabetic
    Does he take this CBD oil
    Let me know
    Can you sell it to me
    What is cost
    How can I get what you are using
    Now living in westfield Indiana
    Really got tired of so cal

    1. Hey Chuck, hope you’re enjoying Indiana. I have family in Michigan City, pretty place. Yes, dad uses about 2x what I do. He has lots of anxiety and suffers from insomnia. He is T2 diabetic. Him and I both take the 10k. Since he’s begun, he’s gotten much more sleep, has lost 20 lbs, and has a routine sleep schedule. He’s on an addition script that kills the appetite. But, what I’ve noticed since taking CBD is more control over urges. Stomach discomfort due to the midnight munchies, is gone. Unlike marijuana, there’s no appetite, but, the reverse. I can sleep relaxed, so does dad.