Muscle Breakdown – Laying Down the Hammer – Evergreen Colorado

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Cycling Videos Online Presents

Muscle Breakdown – laying Down the Hammer – Evergreen Colorado

Lace up and get ready to shred!

This 45-minute cycling adventure takes you on a solo ride from Evergreen, Colorado to Bergen Park, pushing you to your limits.

  • Prepare for several challenging climbs filled with steep inclines that will test your endurance and power.
  • This high-intensity workout is designed to make you sweat and build muscles with power.
  • Prepare yourself to dig deep and push yourself to achieve maximum muscle fatigue, the key to building back stronger.
  • This workout is for cyclists seeking a challenging workout to reach new fitness levels of strength, endurance and power.

Why we love this ride:

  • Highly effective and fast workout. The time shoots by.
  • Very high intensity packed with action and high efforts.
  • Very cool environment to ride in. Evergreen Colorado has a wild west feel and pioneering history.
  • Targeted workout narrative to help dial in your efforts.


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Additional information

  • Resolution: BD (1080i) DVD (480i) Download (2K- 1080p-720p-520p-360p) *Downloads are AI enhanced providing near HD resolution*
  • Audio: 2 channel stereo. 4 tracks

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Part 1 DVD, Part 1 Blu-Ray