Let’s be honest with ourselves, we are not riding bikes to save the planet. Most of us are not cycling to be the next Lance Armstrong nor do we really care about racing. We are here to lose weight, get fit and reclaim our lost youth.

bikesThis leads us to the first step in beginning a cycling routine. You will need to go out and invest in the gear. And, I don’t mean going out and hesitantly buying the cheapest stuff you can find just in case you hate the activity. If this is your mindset, stop now and look for another activity. If you can’t commit to the proper gear, then, I guarantee, you will never find the health and fitness in this activity that results in a life change. Cycling is not a cheap way to get fit. But, then again, neither is a gym membership nor is health food cheap.
If you are buying a bike, expect to invest at least 1g for a new bike. Or, go on Craigslist and find a good used bike. But, be aware, the proper bike fit is first and foremost the most important consideration you will need to make. If you are unfamiliar with fitting a bike to your body geometry, it’s worth the investment to buy new. Additionally, buying a new bike usually comes with a year of free tune ups, a plethora of friendly knowledge and a group of cool people who are sympathetic to your cause. This is priceless.

The bike is not the end of your purchase. Set aside another $500 for clothes and gear. Key to your first purchase are bike shoes, cycling shorts (yes, Lycra!) and gloves. Now, I hear you complaining about the Lycra, and yes, it is Lycra, not Spandex. If you feel uncomfortable, buy a pair of sweats to wear over them. If you’re not wearing Lycra, you will regret it. I’m not going to go into the details of why you need to buy shoes, gloves and Lycra, ask the sales rep when you get your bike.

Lastly, you will need a heart rate monitor. We will be talking about heart rate over and over until the term “percent of max” is completely engrained in your memory. Without this training device, you might as well be driving with your eyes closed.

So, this is your first goal; get the gear: