You never know what a bike ride is going to throw at you. You might roll out the door with the best intentions to use the ride as an opportunity to recover. But, along the way, you encounter a group of riders, leach a wheel and soon discover yourself in the red.

Plans to maintain a specific workout agenda can quickly change as each ride is unpredictable. Winds, detours or other cyclists on the road can change the intensity or distance of any given ride.  Endurance training is not just an ability to sustain a prolonged activity by maintaining regulated aerobic efforts, it is an ability to sustain prolonged activity regardless of what’s thrown at you. Do you give up because you inadvertently hit your max during a sprint climb? Do you call the sag wagon because the winds shifted and are blowing against you at 20mph? Do you abandon a century ride because the paceline you were trying to hang onto put you into the red? I hope the answers to these are all no.

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Endurance training requires an ability to manage several facets of your conditioning:








The endurance category of videos can be found here.
These videos are designed to focus on the elements of training described above. These are tough, painful workouts that will push you a little harder and a little further to help prepare you for the onslaught of physical exertions required to accomplish the unpredictable!