Muscle Breakdown – The Mile of Hell – Colorado

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This training video is an incredible muscle shredder with super tough interval sets up several short steep grades. Then the coup de grace arrives as you climb the Mile of Hell!  2.5 hours of video through the incredibly scenic back roads of Fort Collins, Colorado. The difficulty is a 10 out of 10! For those who have ridden Rist Canyon know how tough this climb is, but, try duplicating that effort on a trainer during the off season, it’s a whole different ball game. You will sweat!

This is a 3Part workout series – Choose one or all

Part 1 – Muscle Breakdown – the Mile of Hell – The Calm Before the Storm – Colorado (*AI Enhanced)

  • Length: 1hr 22min
  • Difficulty: 6/10
  • Fitness goals: Warm up to anaerobic heart rates and aerobic endurance

Part 2 – Muscle Breakdown – the Mile of Hell – The Storm

– Colorado (*AI Enhanced)

  • Length: 1hr – 27min
  • Difficulty: 10/10
  • Fitness goals: High intensity interval climbs that focus on muscle intensity, strength and power.

Part 3 – Training to Climb – The Rattlesnake Bite – Colorado

  • Length: 1hr – 15min
  • Difficulty: 8/10
  • Fitness goals: Elite mountain training to improve strength and climbing.

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  • Resolution: DVD (480i) Download (720p) *Downloads are AI enhanced providing near HD resolution*
  • Audio: 2 channel stereo. 4 tracks

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Part 1 DVD, Part 2 DVD, Parts 1 & 2 on DVD, Parts 1,2,3 DVD